73 Seconds.

Nya House
3 min readDec 1, 2020

“Sickening.” It was written all over her face as the word fell off of her lips. My wife held her phone and then proceeded to read me some of the comments that were being said about Vanderbilts choice placekicker for this Saturdays game (and soccer goalkeeper), Sarah Fuller. People behind a screen wishing harm and even rape on somebody’s daughter, on a woman who has risen to an exemplary sports status that has never been done by another female. And dare I be assumptive, probably a status that these commentators have never even come close to. I struggle to even refer to them as “people” because how in the world is any HUMAN capable of such violent aggression towards a stranger. Angry by the simple fact that she does not have to wear a cup on the field. Angry that a “split tail” has done something unexpected and apparently unacceptable for her gender in their eyes. Feminism aside, FUCK YOU.

Every 73 seconds, someone is sexually assaulted. One in every six women will be assaulted, one in every thirty-three men will be assaulted and that’s just based on the roughly 20% of assaults that are actually reported. Let that sink in, every 73 seconds someone is fighting off a sexual predator. The worst part, most of those assaults are happening to children ages 12–17. So, to the worthless, spineless pieces of shit who think it’s funny to make a joke about ANY person being “gang banged” in the locker room, FUCK YOU. Literally. And don’t be gentle about it.

It’s unfortunately clear that the problem is not going to be fixed at the legal level and how can it really, when so many attacks go unreported out of fear and when, well…someone like Donald Trump is not only elected as the President of a country but people are still supporting and praising his name after a four year reign of hate. How many rape accusations are there against him? Oh that’s right, “accusation” is not a charge. “Innocent until proven guilty.” Do you know the statistics of falsely accused rape in this country-remember EVERY 73 seconds…..8%. That’s it. 8% were found to be a false accusation.

The “Me Too” movement also angered some of you shit stains out there. Do you know why? Because victims were banning together, finally having a fucking voice and there may have been a glimmer of worry that you would no longer be able to put your hands or your dick anywhere that you fucking pleased.
It’s time to stop this violence and fear and it’s time that these victim statistics start declining.
I lost my shit in the car over this this morning-and you can probably tell, I’m still a little angry about it, but the truth is….I can’t stop being angry and I can’t stop worrying and we CAN NOT keep looking the other way and accepting that this just is and its not going to change.
Educate your children and raise them to be someone that would never inflict violence on another. Raise them to understand what rape and assault is and how to know the difference between consent and fear inflicted response of silence.
Raise your children to use their voice to protect others, no more silence when you know what your friends are doing or have done.
Raise your children to protect themselves. Give them the tools so that they NEVER have to see their name written in the space meant for “the victim”.
And if you know someone like those disgusting people vocally wishing harm on others because it disrupts their delicate notion of what a female is here on this earth for- punch them in the fucking face.



Nya House

Just enough madness to make her interesting. -Atticus