“Foolishness is only a word that describes a way of living life that others are too fearful to even try to understand.” One of the characters in a recent story I wrote said that. (She is SO smart! Ha!) As I typed it out, it rang hard and true somewhere deep within my being, some place that I can admit I forgot about.
‘The Fool’ has been interpreted in many ways. It’s one of my favorite cards. I even have it represented in my recent tattoo. It can be scary or judgy to some. Playing the part of the fool can mean that you’re being poked at or made fun of for your innocence which of course can only be viewed by some as ignorance. -not ignorance in the actual definition of the word-but in the way that people use it as an insult. On the flip side of the coin, it can also mean the beginning of a journey and in my mind-represent the pure uninhibited BRAVE that lies within all of us.
In a world that some of us may walk through, veering from the path laid before you, the path that you commited to out of some responsibility, is absolutely foolish. I was told for a very long time that life was just what was left over after work and bills and school and dinner. Ya know, when you’re really tired and you’ve spent all day taking care of everybody else. So there is nothing left for you. Give. Give as much as you can to those that you love but for the sake of your own personal magic-keep a little for you too. Jump into what scares you to the point of laughter-jump off your path and run through the forest and chase fireflies because-YOU DON’T HAVE THE TIME FOR THAT!!! Do it. Be scared and try new things and when someone steps in to laugh at your ideas or tell you that you’re nuts-thank them for finding you so foolish and then be just that. Be a fool. Be a fool for you. Be a fool for your dreams and the outlandish ideas that spark in the back of your mind and set a part of your soul on fire. That heat-that energy is so incredible because it’s the wild inside of you. It’s who you are meant to be.
The fool is at the beginning of a journey. What journey? -Who the hell knows, but the fool in me has decided that it’s okay that I don’t fully know or understand where I am headed. There are so many things that I want to do with my life and I have decided to stop feeling like it’s too late or like there’s not enough time in the day.
The Fool is the first card in a 78 card Tarot deck, represnted by ‘0’-not even a number, not constricted to an exact placement on a scale. It could be in the middle or even at the end of something. It is boundless, it is free and when it appears to me in a reading-I fight to stay grounded and wait and listen while my heart leaps from my chest in victory and possibility.
I am magic. I make my own rules and create my own worlds if I want to. I dream when I walk and dance when I sleep. I make no explanations for who I am, I offer no credentials for approval and I no longer do that which does not serve my inner fool.
Join me. Well, don’t. Go your own damn way…and maybe I’ll be honored with hearing your story one day.