Nya House
3 min readJan 4, 2018

So I’m at a quick pause in my teeny, tiny tiptoe steps of starting my own company. Blah-blah details, as part of it, we will showcase and share stories of rad people we meet who are making really cool changes at home to change their carbon footprint. Well, I wanna be rad too.

Setting food choices aside for now-because I can admit that my diet easily resembles a spiritual and moral yo-yo contest at times, I want to tell you about the quick and easy changes we are making at home so you can give me a “spiritual AF” high five! (AND really….nobody cares what I am doing-and I hate hi-fives-I really just hope that someone will make their own little changes too because we are all in this together and every tiny bit helps!)

No more eggs in plastic or styrofoam! First, you can recycle your styrofoam egg cartons at Publix, but I recently bought eggs in paper cartons at Sprouts and today I am planting my herb seeds in them which can later be placed directly into the soil. Try to REUSE not just RECYCLE, because recycling using quite a bit of energy too!

I have THE DOPEST grocery bags from Trader Joes! They’re heavy duty canvas that washes easily in the washer! However, I forget them half of the time. SO, inspired by a tiny woman behind me in line at Kroger, I have decided that if I forget my bags, I will opt for no bags at all! Loading item by item into my car should suck enough after a few times to help me remember my damn bags! When I get home, I just run in the house-grab my bags and bring them out to the car. ALSO-please don’t forget reusable produce bags. The other day I noticed a man dropping three apples into a bag that was the size of a toddler! What a waste! Paper bags are an option in some locations too and these can be reused in your garden or even twisted into little fire starters for your cauldron. (fire pit-whatever you call it these days.)

PLASTIC! Holy Mother of Hell-do you realize how many things come in plastic??? Toothbrushes! Condiments! Juices! Beauty products! Toilet paper comes wrapped in plastic! (Don’t worry-I promised my wife to never search for a toilet paper alternative but I think I can find a brand that comes in something other than plastic……)


  1. Try out a bamboo toothbrush! (And maybe go super hippie and make your own toothpaste out of oils and clays like me!)
  2. Reduce the amount of condiments you buy-most are loaded with sugars and shit anyway!
  3. Make your own beauty products-ever heard of pintrest?! Recipes for DAYS! Some suck, that’s alright. Commit-Buy the stuff you need and give it a shot. (Psst! Pay attention to the cleanliness of the supplies too!) Store them in glass containers-which are super cheap on God Amazon. Also, opt for a bar of soap rather than a wash that comes in a….mutha fuckin’ plastic bottle!!!

Sigh. That’s my rant for this morning. I’m not judgy-just shocked at how much plastic waste I was bringing into my own house without even noticing! There are options out there. There are ways to reduce not only your carbon footprint, but the amount of toxins that you put in and around your home and body. It can get pricy, I know. Try to pick one or two things at a time and make small changes. Today, my delivery of Organic, Small batch, Shade Grown, Fair Trade coffe should arrive. It was twice the price of my normal coffee, but I also waste a few cups each day due to over brewing-problem solved! Buy a better product, make and waste less. I chose the company in the next state over rather than the one on the other side of the country for shipping reasons. See, small steps.

Now, if this coffee sucks….read tomorrows blog with caution.


(Hey! Feel free to check out thirdmoonhouse.com or the facebook page to read the stories of a few people we adore for their small changes!!!)

Nya House

Just enough madness to make her interesting. -Atticus